Guidelines for Writing-Up Your Mathematics Homework Problems

The following are guidelines to help you improve your technical writing skills.  First, it is most important that you hand in correct mathematics.  Incorrect mathematics and sloppy work will earn the low grades they deserve.  Another important item is that you clearly present your ideas and method(s) of solution to the reader of your work (me!).   Below are general guidelines you should follow when engaging in technical writing.  As you become more accustomed to technical writing, you will develop your own style. 

1.  Clearly state the problem you are solving.

2.  Clearly state when you are using the assumptions of the problem.  Also clearly state any additional assumptions or theorems you may use to solve the problem.  You may reference any theorems or formulas that appear in your textbook by the theorem/formula number and/or on what page of the text it appears.

3.  Clearly state what all variables you use represent.  This includes stating the distribution and any relevant parameters of any random variables you may use, including justification (if necessary) of why you have chosen a particular distribution to model your problem.

4.  Use all mathematical symbols correctly.

5.  If the problem requires the use of technology or software, clearly state what you use and how you use it.

6.  If you are handing in graphs, etc. on separate sheets of paper then clearly label these as appendices and kindly direct the reader to them. 

7.  Use proper English to communicate your ideas.  However, keep your writing terse and to the point.

8.  Hand-in neat readable work.  A general rule of thumb is to neatly space out your work on the page so that it is easy for the reader to read.  Do not hand in work that appears to be scratch work.