


MATH270 - Easy Quiz - Spring 2011

(The others won’t be like this J)

20 Points Total


To answer the following questions you may need to use Dr. Lunsford’s website (, the Longwood University website, and the StatsPortal.  Please type your answers to all questions using complete English sentencesI will deduct points if you don’t use complete English sentences and your paper is not typed.  Also please pay attention to the formatting of your document (i.e. keep the font(s)/formatting consistent) and do not cut and past text from a website.  I will provide an electronic copy of this quiz on my website for ease of typing in your answers.  Please turn in a hard copy of this quiz by the due date indicated on the StatsPortal.


Information about the Class:


1.      How many exams (not including the final) will you have in this class?  How much will each count towards your final grade?

2.   How much does the final exam count towards your class grade?  Will the final exam be comprehensive? What day and time will you take the final exam?

3.      In addition to exams, how else will your grade be determined in this class?

4.      What is Dr. Lunsford’s policy regarding make-up/late work for this class? 

5.      What are Dr. Lunsford’s policies regarding attendance and extra credit work?

6.      How will you know what your assignments are for this class? 

7.      What resources (on Dr. L’s website, the Stats Portal, at Longwood, etc.) are available to help you learn the material in this class?

8.   What software and/or other technical tools are required for this class?

9.   In your own words briefly summarize the Longwood University Honor System. 

10.  Log onto the StatsPortal and open the Resources tab.  Play the video from Chapter 4 called Probability: Basic Rules.  Who is the host of the video and at what university does he teach?

11.  Log onto the StatsPortal and open the Resources tab and find the TI 83/84 manual.  On what page does the "Working with Lists" section start (Hint:  It is in Chapter 0.)?    

12.  Go to both the Calendar and the Assignments pages on the Stats Portal.  What is the tentative date on which Quiz 1 is due?   When will the quiz be available?


About the Instructor:


1.      What are the names of Dr. Lunsford’s living cats (Hint:  She calls her cats the "tigers")?

2.   Name at least three places to which Dr. Lunsford has traveled.

3.   What interests does Dr. Lunsford have, other than mathematics?

4.      What do you like best about this website?  How do you think the website could be improved?



About the Student:


1.  What is your major and why are you taking this class?

2.  Did you take any advanced (i.e. AP, Dual Enrollment, etc.) mathematics courses in high school?  If so, what?

2.  How would you describe your general attitude about mathematics?

4.  Please tell me something interesting about yourself.